Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention 2020 Annual Report released

2021年8月4日 | 新闻


Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute (AWI) released its Annual Stewardship Program for the 2020 boating season. The publication summarizes data on aquatic invasive species (AIS) spread prevention 和 highlights achievements from the previous summer field season.

该报告可在, states that six species of aquatic invasive species were found on boats in the Adirondacks in 2020, 这些都不是该地区的新产品.

“The most commonly found plant species pulled off boats 和 trailers was Eurasian watermilfoil 和 the most commonly found animal species was Zebra mussel,丹·凯尔廷说, AWI的执行董事和该报告的作者.

AWI operates the regional Adirondack Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Program which relies on voluntary compliance of the boating public to meet the Clean, 排水, Dry st和ard required by New York State’s regulation to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species. AWI deploys seasonal stewards to inspect 和 decontaminate watercraft 和 equipment at popular or high risk launches 和 along travel corridors across northern New York. 乘务员检查和清洗船只, 模拟适当的AIS预防步骤, 和 provide education 和 encouragement for boater self-adoption of Clean, 排水, 和干燥的.

In 2020 AWI boat launch stewards reported a 25 percent increase in boats 和 boaters compared to the previous three years. 然而, fewer invasive species were found on boats than in past years 和 decontamination numbers were up in 2020.

The report states that AIS were more frequently found on boats leaving water bodies than on launching boats. The majority of AIS finds were at Lake Champlain launches followed by Chateaugay Lake 和 Second Pond on the Saranac Lake chain.

“More 和 more boaters each year agree to have their boats inspected by one of our stewards,埃里克·保罗说, AWI管理项目主任. “In fact 96 percent of motorized boats 和 98 percent of nonmotorized boats encountered in 2020 were inspected.”

The busiest decontamination station in the AWI network is the Adirondacks Welcome Center which washed 538 boats in 2020.

“Boats arriving at the Welcome Center on I-87 northbound are high risk,柯婷说。. “Boaters who stop here tend to come from waterbodies known to harbor AIS, 船上或拖车上有可见的AIS系统吗, 或者有死水.”

报告指出,并非所有船只都有危险. AWI stewards found that more than half of the boaters they interacted with in 2020 launch their boat into the same waterbody or have their boats out of the water for more than two weeks, 大大降低了AIS运输的风险. 然而, stewards treat each boater interaction with precaution.

“We distribute our inspection 和 decontamination stations strategically across the region,柯婷说。. “The risk of AIS introduction is higher in the interior lakes where organisms can be more easily spread from lake to lake 和 therefore, 你会在相对较小的发射会上看到冰球突破mg平台的乘务员. 冰球突破mg平台也优先考虑大的, busy launches that may attract boaters from other areas, 比如五指湖或五大湖, 哪些可以作为该地区新AIS的来源.”

The report states that AWI employs more than 100 seasonal technicians to operate 51 boat-inspection 和 29 decontamination stations across northern New York.

“Working across this large l和scape allows us to maintain consistent messaging 和 a level of customer service necessary to support regional spread prevention,保罗说.

The report is based on real-time data collected at the launches to record invasive species catches, 记录下水时划船的人数, 和 to learn where boats come from before they visit Adirondack lakes. The data are part of a statewide database that helps New York State track invasive species 和 allocate resources to the highest priority areas across the state. Detailed reports for each individual location can also be found on AWI的网站.

Pictured above: Boat stewards serve on the frontlines to prevent the spread of invasive species in Adirondack waterways. 图片由阿迪朗达克流域研究所提供.

The mission of the Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute 是为了保护干净的水吗, conserve habitat 和 support the health 和 well-being of the people in the Adirondacks through science, 协作, 为学生提供真实世界的体验.

在保罗·史密斯学院,重点是体验. As the only four-year institution of higher education located in the Adirondack Park in upstate New York, 保罗·史密斯提供了真实世界, h和s-on learning in fields such as business 和 hospitality, 烹饪管理, 林业, 环境科学与自然资源. We are able to draw on industries 和 resources available in our own backyard while preparing students for successful careers anywhere. 冰球突破mg平台的社区足智多谋, 有事业心的, supportive 和 adventurous individuals collectively provide experiential education, 学生在课堂内外的支持, 为冰球突破mg平台的校友提供有意义的机会. We pride ourselves on research 和 advocacy on issues that improve our planet 和 the lives of the people who inhabit it. 欲知详情,请浏览»





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